For your convenience the hotel always has:
Payment for hotel services in cash, by credit card or payment through a bank
Booking service, front office 24 hours a day
All guests of Gomel can find in our hotel, free of charge:
Parking places under video surveillance
Wi-Fi in each room
Hair dryer
Safe for documents and valueble things in each room (except for economy class)
Crockery and cutlery set
Bathrobs (in Suites)
First-aid kit
Luggage and hand luggage storage
Boardgames: chess, checkers, backgammon, Russian lotto, dominoes
Domestic self-service room with an iron and an ironing board
A library
Dental sets (in Suites)
Personal hygiene items
Additional discount on visiting The City Cafe – 10%
For just married – a festive decoration of the room
In addition, in The City Cafe in Gomel you can order a wedding celebration with guest accommodation in The City Hotel
Additionally, on a fee basis we provide:
Laptop rental
Coffee prepaired in a capsule coffee machine
Typing, copying, scanning, fax sending
Bathrobs (for Standard rooms)
Additional hygiene items
Fine clothing repair
Early change of bed linen